Rabu, 23 November 2016

Style Of Business Letter

Most business letters must include a return address (letterhead or your name and address), date, an inside address (receiver's name and address), a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing. However, there are several ways to format this information. For example, return addresses can be centered or begin at the left margin or begin at the horizontal center of the page.
There are four basic business letter formats.
Letter Format
Sample Letter
Full Block
All letter parts begin at the left margin.
Modified Block
Indented Paragraphs
Date, signature, and closing begin at the horizontal center of the page. All body paragraphs are indented.
Blocked Paragraphs
Date, signature, and closing begin at the horizontal center of the page. All body paragraphs begin at the left margin.
All letter parts begin at the left margin. This format includes a subject line but omits the salutation and signature.

·       Full Block.
Full block style is a letter format in which all text is justified to the left margin. In block letter style, standard punctuation is placed after salutations and in other headings. Open punctuation, however, refers to a modification of style where all nonessential punctuation is omitted. A few key factors will help you understand block style format and the difference that open punctuation makes.

1. Return Address:  If your stationery has a letterhead, skip this. Otherwise, type your name, address and optionally, phone number. These days, it’s common to also include an email address. 2. Date: Type the date of your letter two to six lines below the letterhead. Three are standard. If there is no letterhead, type it where shown.
 3. Reference Line: If the recipient specifically requests information, such as a job reference or invoice number, type it on one or two lines, immediately below the Date.

 4. Special Mailing Notations: Type in all uppercase characters, if appropriate.

5. On-Arrival Notations: Type in all uppercase characters, if appropriate. You might want to include a notation on private correspondence.

 6. Inside Address:  Type the name and address of the person and/or company to whom you’re sending the letter, three to eight lines below the last component you typed. Four lines are standard.

 7. Attention Line: Type the name of the person to whom you’re sending the letter.

 8. Salutation: Type the recipient’s name here. Type Mr. or Ms. [Last Name] to show respect, but don’t guess spelling or gender.

 9. Subject Line: Type the gist of your letter in all uppercase characters, either flush left or centered. Be concise on one line.

 10. Body: Type two spaces between sentences. Keep it brief and to the point.

11. Complimentary Close: What you type here depends on the tone and degree of formality.

12. Signature Block: Leave four blank lines after the Complimentary Close to sign your name. Sign your name exactly as you type it below your signature. Title is optional depending on relevancy and degree of formality.

 13. Identification Initials: If someone typed the letter for you, he or she would typically include three of your initials in all uppercase characters, then two of his or hers in all lowercase characters.

14.  Enclosure Notation: This line tells the reader to look in the envelope for more. Type the singular for only one enclosure, plural for more.

15. cc: Stands for courtesy copies (formerly carbon copies). List the names of people to whom you distribute copies, in alphabetical order.
Example :
Full Block Format Business Letter Template
Your Name
Today’s Date

Recipient’s Name
Dear (Recipient’s Name),

This block format business letter template illustrates how quick and easy communications can be to type. Notice that it looks very much like the semi-block letter format, except the paragraphs are not indented. This is a format you can use for all business occasions.
Notice that all elements in this letter are left justified. This formatting provides a crisp, modern look that many people prefer.
If you have any enclosures to include in this letter, make a note at the bottom left, a few spaces below the signature block. Just write “enclosures:” and follow up with the names of any items inside the envelope. A brochure, an application, or a copy of an invoice are some of the things you might think about including.


Your First name, Last name, and Title

·       Semi-block style
Semi-blok fromat: in a format this text parallel left and all paragraphs in the letter is indented. Format shape on this letter on letter head, date, complementary a close, and signature being in a position flattened right. In the layout uneven right, but can dibilangg flattened middle. Other parts on a letter as inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, and enclosure if terdapatnya attachment letter,Being flattened on the left.

Sample Form Letter Semi Block Style :
1.Kop Letter
2. Date of preparation of letters
3. Letter No.
4. attachment
5. case
6. The letter addressed
7. a word of salutation
8a. Introduction letter
8b. Explanation letter
8c. The cover letter
9. Greetings Closing
10. Name of office
11. signature
12. Names to approach
13. copy
14. Attachment page letter / initials
Your Name
Today’s Date

Recipient’s Name

Dear (Recipient’s Name),

This semi-block business letter format looks very much like the block letter format, except the

paragraphs have been indented. Semi-block format letters are just a little more formal than modified semi-block business letters.

Notice that the sender’s address, the closing, the signature, and the signature block are left justified.

The only elements of this business letter format that are not left justified are the first lines of each of the paragraphs.

If you have any enclosures to include in this letter, make a note at the bottom left, a few spaces below

the signature block. Just write “enclosures:” and follow up with the names of any items inside the envelope. A brochure, an application, or a copy of an invoice are some of the things you might think about including.


Your First name, Last name, and Title
  • Simplified-style
Simplified-style business letters contain all the same elements as the full-block and semi-block letters. Like the full-block format, the simplified format left-justifies every line except for the company logo or letterhead. The date line is either slightly right of center or flush with the center of the page. Letters written in the simplified format have fewer internal sections, such as the body, salutation and date line.
Using the simplified style is the most useful at times when you don’t have a recipient’s contact name. Because the simplified style does not require a salutation, you don’t need the person’s name. The simplified format does away with unneeded formality while maintaining a professional approach.
  • Hanging-Indented Style
This very useful style places the first words of each paragraph prominently on the page. It is useful for letters that deal with a variety of different topics. However, for normal business communications, this style is very rarely used. The first line of the paragraph begins at the left-hand margin. And the other lines of the same paragraph are indented three to four spaces. This is the reversal of semi-indented style discussed in other page.

Modified Block Format
Modified block style business letters are less formal than full block style letters. If you are corresponding with someone you already have a good working relationship with, the modified block style letter is a good one to use.
Notice that the following business letter format is written without indents. If you prefer to use indents, try using the semi-block or modified semi-block format instead.
Modified Block Format Business Letter Template
Your Name
Today’s Date
Recipient’s Name
Company Name
Dear (Recipient’s Name):
This modified block business letter format looks very much like the modified semi-block letter format, except the paragraphs are not indented. Modified block letters are just a little less formal than full block letters.
Notice that the sender’s address, the closing, the signature, and the signature block all start near the center of the page. In some cases, people who prefer to use this format begin these elements five spaces to the right of the center of the page.
If you have any enclosures to include in this letter, make a note at the bottom left, a few spaces below the signature block. Just write “enclosures:” and follow up with the names of any items inside the envelope. A brochure, an application, or a copy of an invoice are some of the things you might think about including.

Your First name, Last name, and Title

Part of business letter


  • The Heading (The Retern Address) or Letterhead - Companies usually use printed paper where heading or letterhead is specially designed at the top of the sheet. It bears all the necessary information about the organisation’s identity.
Example :
Ms. Jane Doe
543 Washington St
Marquette, MI 49855
June 28, 2011

  • Date - Date of writing. The month should be fully spelled out and the year written with all four digits October 12, 2005
    (12 October 2005 - UK style). The date is aligned with the return address. The number of the date is pronounced as an ordinal figure, though the endings stndrdth, are often omitted in writing. The article before the number of the day is pronounced but not written. In the body of the letter, however, the article is written when the name of the month is not mentioned with the day.
Examples :
23rd November, 2013      or  November  23rd, 2013
28 July, 2013                 or    July 28, 2013

If there is no letter head in a letter, you must write a full address of the sender, example :

115 Downing Street, London
June 28th, 2009

  • Recipient’s Address - This is the address you are sending your letter to. Be sure to make it as complete as possible so it gets to its destination. Always include title names (such as Dr.) if you know them. This is, like the other address, on the left margin. If a standard 8 ½” x 11” paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9” business envelope, the inside address should appear through the window in the envelope (if there is one). Be sure to skip a line after the heading and before the recipient’s address, then skip another line after the inside address before the greeting. For an example, see the end of this sheet for a sample letter.

  • The salutation - (or greeting) in a business letter is always formal. It often begins with “Dear {Person’s name}.” Once again, be sure to include the person’s title if you know it (such as Ms., Mrs., Mr., or Dr).  If you’re unsure about the person’s title then just use their first name. For example, you would use only the person’s first name if the person you are writing to is “Jordan” and you’re not sure if he or she is male or female.The salutation always ends with a colon.

  • The complimentary - close is a short and polite remark that ends your letter. The close begins at the same justification as your date and one line after the last body paragraph. Capitalize the first word of your closing (Thank you) and leave four lines for a signature between the close and the sender’s name. A comma should follow the closing.

  • The Inside Address - In a business or formal letter you should give the address of the recipient after your own address. Include the recipient's name, company, address and postal code. Add job title if appropriate. Separate the recipient's name and title with a comma. Double check that you have the correct spelling of the recipient 's name.

    The Inside Address is always on the left margin. If an 8 1/2" x 11" paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9" business envelope, the inside address can appear through the window in the envelope.
Examples :
Mr. Prana Pramudya
115 Downing Street

Mmes. Robert Thompson & Audrey
112, Downing Street
London E.C. 2, England

  • The Greeting - Also called the salutation. The type of salutation depends on your relationship with the recipient. It normally begins with the word "Dear" and always includes the person's last name. Use every resource possible to address your letter to an actual person. If you do not know the name or the sex of of your reciever address it to Dear Madam/Sir (or Dear Sales Manager or Dear Human Resources Director). As a general rule the greeting in a business letter ends in a colon (US style). It is also acceptable to use a comma (UK style).

  • The Subject Line (optional) - Its inclusion can help the recipient in dealing successfully with the aims of your letter. Normally the subject sentence is preceded with the word Subject: or Re: Subject line may be emphasized by underlining, using bold font, or all captial letters. It is usually placed one line below the greeting but alternatively can be located directly after the "inside address," before the "greeting."

  • The Body Paragraphs - The body is where you explain why you’re writing. It’s the main part of the business letter. Make sure the receiver knows who you are and why you are writing but try to avoid starting with "I". Use a new paragraph when you wish to introduce a new idea or element into your letter. Depending on the letter style you choose, paragraphs may be indented. Regardless of format, skip a line between paragraphs.

·       Identifying Notations - If you type a letter for someone else, add identifying initials. For example if John Doe types a letter for Jane Smith, the notation would be JS:jd. Then, if you are enclosing items in the envelope, add an enclosure notation (Enc:, Encl: or Enclosures) followed by the title of the enclosures. Add the notation cc: followed by the names of everyone receiving a copy.

  • Enclosures - If you have any enclosed documents, such as a resume, you can indicate this by typing “Enclosures” one line below the listing. You also may include the name of each document.

  • The Complimentary Close - This short, polite closing ends always with a comma. It is either at the left margin or its left edge is in the center, depending on the Business Letter Style that you use. It begins at the same column the heading does. The traditional rule of etiquette in Britain is that a formal letter starting "Dear Sir or Madam" must end "Yours faithfully", while a letter starting "Dear " must end "Yours sincerely". (Note: the second word of the closing is NOT capitalized)

  • Signature and Writer’s identification - The signature is the last part of the letter. You should sign your first and last names. The signature line may include a second line for a title, if appropriate. The signature should start directly above the first letter of the signature line in the space between the close and the signature line. Use blue or black ink.

  • Postscript - To add information not necessarily related to the letter, like a personal note, include a postscript (P.S.) at the bottom.

  • Close - Always use a complimentary close. It is a short, polite closing followed by a comma. When the letter is impersonal, use “Yours truly.” If the letter is to someone above you in rank, use “Respectfully yours.” If you have a personal connection to the addressee, use “Sincerely” or “Sincerely yours.” (Ref. 1, Ref. 2).
Examples :
Yours truly,
Wisnu & Ninda LTD

Truly Yours,
Wisnu & Ninda LTD

American Style
British Style
According to the format but
usually aligned to the left
The heading is usually placed
in the top right corner of the letter
(sometimes centred)
October 19, 2005 (month-day-year)
According to the format but usually
aligned to the left
(two lines below the heading)
19 October 2005 (day-month-year)
Usually placed directly (or 1 blank line)
below the heading.
Dear Mr./Ms. Smith:
Dear Sir or Madam:
After the salutation there is a colon (:)
Dear Mr./Ms. Smith,
Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear Sirs,
After the salutation there is a comma (,)
Complimentary close
Sincerely yours,
Yours truly,
Yours sincerely,
Yours faithfully,

Example for business letter :
July 20, 20xx
Mr. Rodney Giles
Manager, Customer Support
Inter-Office Solutions Inc.
1289 Luxor Station Rd.
Cedar Springs, IL, 34985
Dear Rodney:

This is further to our meeting of last week at which we agreed to hold a series of meetings over the next two months to review your experiences with the pilot implementation of the 1to1 Customer Relationship Management Program.

As discussed at that meeting, the objectives of our review sessions will be to:

  • Review and assess the overall effectiveness of the program;
  • Identify and document strengths weaknesses of the program;
  • Propose customer-focused solutions to address areas of weakness;
  • Develop an approach and action plan for Phase 2 of the project;
  • Determine the staff members who will make up the Phase 2 Team.

As agreed, meetings will be held every second Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. until noon, and the location will alternate between our two offices, the first one to be convened here at Inter-Office on August 14, 20xx. Fred Johnson of your CRM group is to act as the meeting co-ordinator and recording secretary throughout the process.

As discussed, at the end of the process, Deborah Buxton of Consultek will draft the summary report for review by the steering committee. As you requested, a copy of her c.v. has been enclosed.

I trust I have covered all of the points that we discussed. If you have any questions or would like to add anything please give me a call at 745-9878. <br<
We look forward to seeing you at the August 14thmeeting.


Marilyn French
Senior Consultant

March 15, 20xx

Mr. Alphonse Germanian
President and CEO
BioDynamics Llc.
1525 Broadway, Suite 4500
New York, NY 10034

Dear Mr. Germanian:

As Chairperson of the Corporate Conscience Campaign - Helping the Homeless in New York, I am writing this to thank you personally for your company's support in last month's fund-raising effort.

As I indicated when we spoke on the phone two weeks ago, the campaign was considered a resounding success, raising a total of $1.65 million to-date, significantly exceeding our target of $1 million. Some donations are still trickling in, so we could end up close to a total of $2 million.

BioDynamics was an influential leader throughout the entire three-month campaign. In fact, we couldn't have succeeded without the generous support of your company, both financially, and through your organizational and administrative assistance. Your Team Leader, Kathryn Gomez was particularly impressive, going above and beyond what we could have expected of someone performing as a volunteer while continuing on with her day-to-day duties. Please convey my special thanks to Kathryn.

I would also ask you to convey my sincere thanks and congratulations to all of those other people in your company who contributed in any way to the Helping the Homeless Campaign. Please tell them that the sum of their contributions resulted in a major success that they should all be proud of taking part in.

I believe that the 27 companies that participated in this effort have set a new standard for social responsibility in this community, and have set a powerful example that will inspire other companies and organizations to do the same.

I look forward to seeing you at the Mayor's special thank you reception next month.

Yours sincerely,

Jackson Pritchard
Fundraising Chair

March 18, 20xx

Contact Name
Company Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2

Dear [Name of Contact]:

According to the experts, involving students in community volunteer activities is one of the most effective ways to engage them in something meaningful during their after school time. Our experience has shown this to be true; and that is why at Valleycrest H.S. we put a great deal of emphasis on our Students In Action (SIA) program which actively promotes student involvement in numerous volunteer activities throughout our community.

This letter is requesting your financial support for a very important annual SIA event.

Each year we hold a Volunteer Appreciation Night where we recognize and honor the many student volunteers who have served in our community during the past year. Those students have worked as volunteers in many different capacities from, serving meals to the homeless, to entertaining senior citizens in old-age care facilities, to running household errands for housebound seniors and citizens recovering from surgery. Theses are just a few examples of the many ways in which our SIA students have served our community over the past year.

Volunteer Appreciation Night is the one time during the year when we briefly put the spotlight on those doing the giving; as an expression of gratitude for their selflessness throughout the year.

Accordingly, we are requesting the financial assistance of [Company Name] to help cover the costs directly related to holding that event. Your contribution would be used to offset such costs as: room rental, DJ fees, food and drink, prizes, etc. An amount in the area of $xxx would be an appropriate contribution by your company. Any surplus funds remaining after all bills are paid will be donated to the [Name of Community] United Way fund.

Your support for this important annual event would be greatly appreciated by everyone involved.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact [Contact Name] at 999-9999. Email inquiries can be sent to sia@valleyfieldhs.org.

Sincere regards,
Marilyn Crandle
SIA Volunteer Co-ordinato
July 1, 20xx

City of West Waterford
Community Development Department
Engineering Branch
1310 New Capital Avenue
West Waterford, CA, 95593
Subject:  Letter of Credit - Jackson Bros. Construction Inc.: Project A-045-595 - Upgrade/Repave Parking Lot

To Whom It May Concern:

Please be advised that we have placed a hold on the line of credit of Jackson Brothers Construction Inc. in the amount of $650,000 for the benefit of the City of West Waterford for the work related to the above-noted public improvement project.

This hold is effective July 1, 20xx and will remain in effect until the work is completed and approved by the City of West Waterford.

Chambers Bank will secure said funds as a guarantee to the City of West Waterford for completion of the named public improvements in accordance with City permits.

Funds guaranteed by said line of credit will only be restored to Jackson Brothers Construction Inc. after Chambers Bank has received written confirmation from the Director of Community Development of the City of West Waterford that said improvements have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the approved construction permit.

Chambers Bank agrees to disperse funds from the line of credit to the City of West Waterford upon written demand of the Director of Community Development, accompanied by the statement that conditions of the construction permit have not been violated.

This is an irrevocable commitment of funds which is not subject to recall by Jackson Brothers Construction Inc. 

John Livingstone
Corporate Credit Department

We Concur with this agreement:
Fred Jackson